Of similarly awesome use is Ian's recently posted list of things psychotic people will yell at you pulled from the Borderlands game.
- Pig
- Old Mottley
- Huggert
- Li'l Zed
- Stinky
- Len Dumbass
- Stickfoot
- Nigel Sodpants
- Louse
Men-(and women)-at-arms:
- Droig
- Black Maggie
- Rufus
- Elonzo
- Vosh Vestra
- Angry Jenny
- Grumble Crumbles
- Beagelwitz
- Kur Bulgestein
- Gustvolt von Pike
- Bertha
- Van Duggen
- Grimes
- Eggers
- Gram Stabbo
- Reverend Slurry
- Sister Magdalena
- Gunt Whistler
Packhorses (aka treasure carriers):
- Bob
- Gus
- Chronic
- Lazy Ned
- Mule
- Lefty
- Curtis
- Tunk
- Los Loster
- Midnight
- Jack Shadow
- Whisper
- Scuttles
- Sausage Fingers
- Silas the Glove
- Eliza Cabbage
- Delzor
- Voth the Mundane
- El Hadazar
- James Brown
- Casper Varley
- Carlito Maglioni
- Grim Grimmorson
- Podge
- Vargas
- Dirty Krodo
- Loambeard Stoutgut
- Unger Derpson
- Frugal Sal
- "Doug" Silverspear
- Amaril
- Leandra
- Mute Fortha
- Beaumont
- Maple Maloney
- Carnage the Wardog
- Drazzle (doppleganger)
- Handsome Jack (asshole Aasimar)
- E. Lester Hicks, time traveler
- Puddin' (polymorphed ooze)
Edit: Updated with some fun contributions from the G+ crowd.